Video: The Cat in the Hat Knows Data Visualization

26.09.2016 by Anete Ezera

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic is a well-respected data visualization author, speaker, and blogger. She also has three small children! So it’s no surprise that when given the opportunity to guest lecture at Stanford, she looked to her surroundings for inspiration. In this case, a TV show her kids love to watch – The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That.

Below you can view a 20-minute segment from that lecture, which covers two basic things you should do when communicating with data:

  1. Be sparing and intentional in your use of color
  2. Put your thoughts into words.

If you’d like to see more videos from Cole, check out her YouTube channel!

Infogram makes it easy to create simple, memorable charts. Just follow the cat in the hat’s rules, and you’ll be making effective visualizations in no time.

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