Explore Infogram’s New DataViz Workshop, eBooks, and Custom Links

27.10.2016 by Anete Ezera

The Infogram team has spent the past month updating the look and feel of our brand. We’ve created a new video series, re-designed our blog, added fun examples of Infogram in action, and created a place where you can download all of our amazing eBooks. We’ve also enhanced our tool, adding new labeling options and custom links. 

Here are Infogram’s major updates for the month of October:

1) Data Visualization Workshop

infogram update

It took a lot of planning, but we finally introduced our brand new instructional Data Visualization Workshop video series! This special series consists of educational videos that are simple and easy-to-follow, giving you useful skills and helpful advice.

Check out the first few episodes of Infogram’s Data Visualization Workshop:

2) New Pages

infogram updates

eBook Downloads – We are delighted to announce our free eBooks page where we provide information on data visualization, infographics, techniques and much more.

Blog Design – Our new blog reflects the sophistication and richness of our brand. Beautiful images, easy navigation, and thoughtful content. On our blog, you will find data visualization how to’s, news, trends, and updates on the data community.

Success Stories – We know our users love our tool, and now you do too.  Learn how companies around the globe use Infogram to tell stories with data in a clear and engaging way, featuring Fairfax Media and Zephyr Real Estate.

3) Product Update

Custom LinksBusiness and Enterprise users now have the ability to add custom links to their chart logo or share buttons. Custom links can increase brand awareness and traffic to your website, so it’s a win-win.

45 Degree Labels – Infogram line and column charts now have the option of setting their x-axis labels to 45 degrees, making them easier to read and easy on the eyes.

Are you excited to check out our blog, read an eBook, watch our video series, or make a chart with custom links? Sign up or log in to Infogram and start designing today.