Press Resources

Resources for anyone interested in writing about Infogram

What is Infogram?

Infogram is a data visualization company that helps people create charts, infographics, maps and reports. We show people how to communicate with data in a clear and engaging way. Launched in 2012, Infogram rapidly became the web’s favorite data visualization tool thanks to its simplicity, functionality and strong design aesthetic.

We serve a wide range of customers including marketers, educators, journalists, consultants, and business professionals. We support people who see data as a powerful communication tool when visualized effectively.

Our users have created over 4.8 million infographics and charts that are viewed by over 50 million people every month.

Infogram has 30 employees between San Francisco and Riga office.

Brand Assets

Download our brand assets here.

Infogram logo

Product screenshots & Photography

Download here product and other images that help communicate about Infogram.

Infogram editorinfogram-team-photo


For Press inquiries, please contact marketing @Infogram